アフリカズ・ワールド・ウォー (原題) / ジェラルド・プルニエ
Africa's World War: Congo, the Rwandan Genocide, and the Making of a Continental Catastrophe / Gerard Prunier

2009年/Oxford University Press




01. Rwanda’s mixed season of hope (July 1994-April 1995)
02. From Kibeho to the attack on Zaire (April 1995-October 1996)
03. The Congo basin, its interlopers, and its onlookers
04. Winning a virtual war (September 1996-May 1997)
05. Losing the real peace (May 1997-August 1998)
06. A continental war (August 1998-August 1999)
07. Sinking into the quagmire (August 1999-January 2001)
08. Not with a bang but with a whimper: the war’s confused ending (January 2001-December 2002)
09. From war to peace: Congolese transition and conflict deconstruction (January 2003-July 2007)
10. Groping for meaning: the “Congolese” conflict and the crisis of contemporary Africa


Gerard Prunier is a senior researcher at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique in Paris. A former social worker in Canada, he now spends much of his time in various parts of Northern Africa.




隣人による殺戮の悲劇――94年にルワンダで起こった大量虐殺を読み直す ■
ポール・ルセサバギナ 『ホテル・ルワンダの男』 レビュー ■
サリフ・ケイタの活動の変化とアルビノの悲劇――『ラ・ディフェロンス』 ■

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